AMC AVIATION was founded in 2001 with the objective to deliver high standard tailor made services related to Aviation activities and to provide various consulting services. We offer our expertise in restructuring the MRO and the airlines. We intervene also at specific departments level, such as flight operations, the logistic, maintenance and engineering departments and into setting up the procedures within them in order to meet the regulatory requirements. .
Elaboration or developpement of all the operational and maintenance documents required for an operator to obtain an Air Operating Certificate including:
- Operating Manuals
- Description of the organization & procedures
- Information & instructions for the specific flights & airports an operator intends to operate
- Description and guide for the crews training
- Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME)
- Maintenance Oragnisation Exposition (MOE)
- Maintenance Program & Minimum Equipment list (MEL)
- Quality Assurance Manuals
- Safety Management Manual
As part of our key assets, our management has years of experience and strong expertise in the aviation industry, thanks to the experiences of former Accountable Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Quality Managers and Technical Directors of major French airlines and MRO, as well as Managing Directors of Aircraft Leasing Companies. We have highly qualified and well skilled staff, including former chief pilots and experienced post holders required by AIR-OPS regulation.
AMC AVIATION's commitment is to serve your interests
Solutions that meet your needs at reasonable costs
Objectivity and independance
Missions are led by qualified experts only
Transparent communication throughout our processes
Experts and Staff at highest regulatory and industry standards
Customer focused
Transparency & Integrity
Quality focused in accordance with ICAO, IOSA, FAA,
PART 21, Part 145 & Part 66, PART 147, recommendation, standards and regulations

Meet our team

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Mahmoud El Sawah
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He occupied various engineering positions within AMC and other CAMO like ENHANCE AERO & AEROCONSEIL, where he obtained extensive knowledge in several aircraft types and associated CAMO PLUS services, he was also appointed as Deputy line maintenance manager for AMC Line maintenance activities, and Quality manager for iGO Solutions, where he acquired considerable experience in the MRO field.
Since 2017, he was appointed as VP for software development and support.
Through his dedication and ingenuity Mahmoud proved on multiple occasions his worth as a valuable asset to our team.

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Ramatou SEYDOU
Deputy CAMO Manager
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During her ten year- experience in aviation field, she occupied several management positions (AMO, CAMO, Quality/Safety) in chartered airlines (TNA – Niger) and ASECNA Inflight Check Service (CEV – Dakar/SENEGAL).
She was also involved, as an Instructor, in aviation regulations training activities at EAMAC/ASECNA.
As a researcher, she participated in SFB880 project “Integration analysis of large turboprop engines in tractor Configuration” at IFAS/TU-Braunschweig.