Management of the Aircraft phase-in/out process

Process of an Aircraft transfer from one fleet to another is an occasional operation neither Lessors nor Airlines have the manpower to handle with all the attention it

AMC AVIATION is experienced and has all the means to manage the transfer of the various aircraft models from one registration to another, while organizing the whole process of obtaining the Certificate of Airworthiness from the country of import following the issuance of the Certificate of Airworthiness for Export from the country exporting the Aircraft.

Let us take care of the management of complete or part of the transferring or returning process including:

  • Inspection of Records and the Aircraft in order to assess whether it meets the requirements for the C. of A. of the importing country.
  • Assessing modifications that are missing on the Aircraft in order to meet the specific Airworthiness Authorities Type Certificate Data Sheet.
  • Assessing of the modifications that are missing on the Aircraft in order to meet the specific operational requirements of the country or the world region the aircraft is going to operate in.
  • Assessing Aircraft Airworthiness in accordance with the EASA or any other regulation including verification that all the maintenance that has been performed by the exporting operator meets the requirements of the importing country.
  • Negotiation, implementation and/or monitoring of the Lease Agreement clauses and requirements. (Certification issues, Maintenance Reserves Payments and Repayments, actions procedures and work needed in order to satisfy Lessors Maintenance Requirements, manufacturer’s warranties, return conditions, sharing of modifications expenses, etc.)