Organization improvement

You want to assess your Organization to optimize and improve it :
• In accordance with ICAO, IOSA, FAA, EASA IR-OPS (EU-OPS), Part M, PART 21, Part 145, Part 66 and PART 147 process
• In a global efficiency enhancement program
• In a perspective of operational cost reduction


Organization, Rules-based audits

Technical and Operation departments audits.


Organization cost

We conduct functional and technical audits for your operations and in accordance with findings, we suggest you solutions for efficiency improvement and cost reduction hence assist you with the implementation of the on job training of staff.


After having identified the weaknesses of your organization, you can choose to cure it by your own means or to entrust our experts with this task, through a know-how transfer plan / Restructuring plan.

This is achieved through on-job training, procedures definition and implementation, information system definition in all maintenance and operational fields thus, everything being done in a perspective of a know-how transfer.

According to the complexity of the project, 2 to 5 experts are assigned on a medium or a long term basis to your company to implement the corrective actions suggested during audits.

The know-how acquisition is also an essential part of our services. Our assistance aims to give you better management and control of your processes.

They will help you either to recover some key functions in-house or to outsource your non core-business activities.

The restructuring / Know-how transfer plan, combined with the asset management program, is the central core for costs reduction and global organization improvement.


Our intervention will allow you to better control your subcontractors’ commitments, definition of their services and the regulatory compliance.